
Update the IP address of your A record of your GoDaddy domain every 5 minutes

Primary LanguageShell

GoDaddy DDNS Public IP updater

Update the IP address of your A record of your GoDaddy domain every 5 minutes.

It uses bash and curl to communicate with the GoDaddy API, and is based on Alpine. The image is 10MB and requires 6MB of RAM.


GoDaddy credentials

GoDaddy Website

  1. Login to https://developer.godaddy.com/keys with your account credentials.

GoDaddy Developer Login

  1. Generate a Test key and secret.

GoDaddy Developer Test Key

  1. Generate a Production key and secret.

GoDaddy Developer Production Key

Obtain the key and secret of that production key.

In this example, the key is dLP4WKz5PdkS_GuUDNigHcLQFpw4CWNwAQ5 and the secret is GuUFdVFj8nJ1M79RtdwmkZ.

Option 1 of 2: Docker container

Docker container

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed
  2. Obtaining the Docker image
    • Option 1 of 2: Docker Hub Registry
      1. You can check my Docker Hub page for more information.

        Docker Hub page

      2. In a terminal, download the image (10MB) with:

        sudo docker pull qmcgaw/godaddy-ip-ddns
    • Option 2 of 2: Build the image
      1. Download the repository files or git clone them
      2. With a terminal, go in the directory where the Dockerfile is located
      3. Build the image with:
        sudo docker build -t qmcgaw/godaddy-ip-ddns ./
  3. Launching the Docker container from the image (replace the values below):
    sudo docker run -d --name=godaddyddns --restart=always -e 'DOMAIN=mydomain.com' -e 'KEY=dLP4WKz5PdkS_GuUDNigHcLQFpw4CWNwAQ5' -e 'SECRET=GuUFdVFj8nJ1M79RtdwmkZ' -e 'NAME=@' -e 'DELAY=1200' qmcgaw/godaddy-ip-ddns

Note that we set the following container environment variables with the flag -e:

Environement variable Value Optional
DOMAIN Domain name No
KEY Production key's key No
SECRET Production key's secret No
NAME @ Yes, defaults to @
DELAY 1200 Yes, defaults to 300

You can also run the container interactively to test it with:

sudo docker run --rm --name=godaddyddnsTEST -e 'DOMAIN=mydomain.com' -e 'KEY=dLP4WKz5PdkS_GuUDNigHcLQFpw4CWNwAQ5' -e 'SECRET=GuUFdVFj8nJ1M79RtdwmkZ' -e 'NAME=@' -e 'DELAY=1200' qmcgaw/godaddy-ip-ddns

Option 2 of 2: using the Shell script godaddyddns.sh

  1. Set the necessary variables:

    • Option 1 of 2: Set environment variables with a terminal:
      NAME=@ # optional
      DELAY=1200 # optional
    • Option 2 of 2: Set variables in the shell script godaddyddns.sh
      1. Copy the following block of code:
        NAME=@ # optional
        DELAY=1200 # optional
      2. Paste it after the first line #!/bin/bash
  2. Make the script executable with:

    sudo chmod +x godaddyddns.sh
  3. Test the script by running it with:


    Refer to the Testing section to see the result.

  4. Run the shell script with screen for example or as a service.


With a browser, go to https://dcc.godaddy.com/manage/yourdomain.com/dns (replace yourdomain.com) and check the Value of the record of type A is set to your current IP address

GoDaddy DNS management

You might want to try to change the IP address to another one to see if the update actually occurs.