google-breakpad with support added for PE/COFF executables with DWARF debugging information, as used by Cygwin/MinGW
Use ./configure && make (See README)
which will produce dump_syms, minidump_dump, minidump_stackwalk, libbreakpad.a and for MinGW libcrash_generation_client.a, libcrash_generation_server.a, crash_generation_app.exe
Note that since git-svn ignores svn externals, this repository is missing the gyp and gtest dependencies.
dump_syms crash_generation_app.exe >crash_generation_app.sym
FILE=`head -1 crash_generation_app.sym | cut -f5 -d' '`
BUILDID=`head -1 crash_generation_app.sym | cut -f4 -d' '`
mdir -p ${SYMBOLPATH}
mv crash_generation_app.sym ${SYMBOLPATH}
A small test application demonstrating out-of-process dumping called crash_generation_app.exe is built.
- Run it once, selecting "Server->Start" from the menu
- Run it again, selecting "Client->Deref zero"
- Client should crash, and a .dmp is written to C:\Dumps\
minidump_stackwalk blah.dmp /symbols/
Executables produced by Cygwin/MinGW gcc do not currently contain a build-id. On Windows, this build-id takes the form of a CodeView record.
This build-id is captured for all modules in the process by MiniDumpWriteDump(), and is used by the breakpad minidump processing tools to find the matching symbol file.
I have implemented 'ld --build-id' for PE/COFF executables (See, but you must use sufficently recent binutils and build with '-Wl,--build-id' to enable that.
A tool could be written to add build-id to existing PE/COFF executables, but in practice this turns out to be quite tricky...
symsrv_convert and dump_syms for PDB cannot be currently built with MinGW, because they require the MS DIA (Debug Interface Access) SDK (which is only in paid editions of Visual Studio) and the DIA SDK uses ATL.An alternate PDB parser is available at, but that also needs some work before it can be built with MinGW.