
Window manager for X11/Linux, using prefix key style, à la ratpoison and stumpwm.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Calavera-wm ☠ - Window manager for X11/Linux, using prefix key style, à la ratpoison and stumpwm.


- Floating window manager.
- Does not have tags/virtual workspaces, just one view.
- Toggling windows to center, maximize, and full screen maximizing.
- Good keyboard control (Emacs keybindings).
- Autostart file read on startup.
- Multimedia keys.
- Does not have Xinerama support.
- Mouse support.

Keyboard controls

- [Ctl t + c] - Start Urxvt.
- [Ctl t + a] - Start app launcher.
- [Ctl t + e] - RunOrRaise Emacs.
- [Ctl t + w] - RunOrRaise Conkeror.
- [Ctl t + l] - Locks the screen with Xlock.
- [Ctl t + b] - Banish the mouse cursor.
- [Ctl t + f] - Toggles fullscreen.
- [Ctl t + m] - Maximise focused window.
- [Ctl t + .] - Center focused window.
- [Ctl t + Tab] - Window switcher.
- [Ctl t + Shift+Tab] - Reverse direction in the window switcher.
- [Ctl t + k] - Close focused window.
- [Ctl t + 0,1,2] - Switch to window by number 0|1|2|...
- [Ctl t + Shift+r] - Reload calavera-wm configuration (need to (re)compile first).
- [Ctl t + Shift+q] - Quit calavera-wm


- [Ctl + Left button] - Move the window.
- [Ctl + Right button] - Resize the window.
- [Ctl + Middle button] - Close the window.
- [Ctl + MouseScroll] - Window swtcher.

- Libx11

Calavera-wm is installed into the /usr/local namespace by default,
change the path indicated in the Makefile.

Afterwards enter the following command to build and install Calavera-wm (if
necessary as root):

    make clean install

Running Calavera-wm
Add the following line to your .xinitrc to start calavera-wm using startx:

    exec calavera-wm

The configuration of Calavera-wm is done by creating a custom conf.h
and (re)compiling the source code.

This project is a fork of [dwm](http://dwm.suckless.org/), which was created by see [LICENSE](https://raw.github.com/ivoarch/calavera-wm/master/LICENSE) file.