
A Symfony2 bundle for working with the PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) service

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony2 PayPal IPN Bundle


symfony2-paypal-ipn is a Symfony2 bundle for working with the PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) service. The bundle acts as a listener for the PayPal IPN service and logs the incoming orders to your database using Doctrine. Sending order confirmation emails is easy too (see the [sample Twig email controller] twigcontroller for details).

symfony2-paypal-ipn is available on Packagist packagist and KnpBundles knpbundles as well as on GitHub.


symfony2-paypal-ipn is a direct port of [codeigniter-paypal-ipn] codeigniterpaypalipn, an equivalent library for CodeIgniter users, also by Orderly Ltd.

This library ("bundle" in Symfony language) focuses on the "post-payment" workflow, i.e. the processing required once the payment has been made and PayPal has posted an Instant Payment Notification call to the IPN controller.

This library handles:

  1. Validating the IPN call
  2. Logging the IPN call
  3. Extracting the order and line item information from the IPN call
  4. Interpreting PayPal's payment status
  5. Storing the order and line items in the database

All pre-payment functionality (e.g. posting the checkout information to PayPal) and custom post-payment workflow (e.g. sending emails) is left as an exercise for the reader. If you require a more general-purpose Symfony2 toolkit for working with PayPal, please see the [JMSPaymentPaypalBundle] jmspaymentbundle.


The Symfony PayPal IPN Bundle depends on Symfony2 symfony2 and [Doctrine 2.0] doctrine2.0.

An example order confirmation email which uses the Twig twig templating language is also provided.


1. Install from GitHub

We're going to install the PayPalIPNBundle directly into your Symfony vendor directory:

$ cd {{YOUR SYMFONY APP}}/vendor
$ git clone git://github.com/orderly/symfony2-paypal-ipn.git
$ mv symfony2-paypal-ipn orderly

Now the all-important OrderlyPayPalIpnBundle.php file should now be available here:

{{YOUR SYMFONY APP}}/vendor/orderly/src/Orderly/PaypalIpnBundle/OrderlyPayPalIpnBundle.php

2. Register the bundle

We now need to register the new bundle. Edit your AppKernel.php file:

{{YOUR SYMFONY APP}}/app/AppKernel.php 

and add the following line to the end of the $bundles array in the registerBundles() method:

new Orderly\PayPalIpnBundle\OrderlyPayPalIpnBundle(),

Now edit your autoload.php file:

{{YOUR SYMFONY APP}}/app/autoload.php 

and add the following line to the end of your registerNamespaces() invocation:

'Orderly'          => __DIR__.'/../vendor/orderly/src',

3. Deploy the database tables

There are two different ways of deploying the three database tables required by PayPalIpnBundle:

Using the Symfony console

You can install the tables with the following command in your project console:

$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Note that this method does not copy across the table field comments found in the SQL file.

Manually running the MySQL script

Alternatively, you can run the create_mysql_tables.sql MySQL file against your database. You can find the file here:


If you choose this option, you may want to modify the DEFAULT CHARSET for each table (currently set to "utf8") before running.

4. Configure

Now we need to configure the bundle. Add the below into your Symfony2 YAML configuration file app/config/config.yml:

# PaypalIpnBundle Configuration

    # If set to false then service loads settings with "sandbox_" prefix
    islive:  false 

    # Constants for the live environment (default settings in Configuration.php)
    email:   sales@CHANGEME.com
    url:     https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr
    debug:   %kernel.debug%

    # Constants for the sandbox environment (default settings in Configuration.php)
    sandbox_email:   system_CHANGEME_biz@CHANGEME.com
    sandbox_url:     https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr
    sandbox_debug:   true

Make sure to update the email and sandbox_email settings to your own PayPal account's.

A note on the debug setting: if set to true, then PayPalIpnBundle will store the last IPN access which had IPN data (i.e. POST variables) into the database. Then when you access the IPN URL directly without data, it reloads the cached data. So it's effectively a "replay" mode which let's you directly inspect what the validateIPN() IPN handler is doing.

5. Setup routing (optional but recommended)

To tell Symfony's routing system where to find one of our sample controllers, first open up the following file:

{{YOUR SYMFONY APP}}/app/config/routing.yml

To send order confirmations with Twig

Assuming you want to send order confirmation emails using Twig twig, add in this controller:

    resource: "@OrderlyPayPalIpnBundle/Controller/TwigNotificationEmailController.php"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /ipn/

Your site will now be listening for incoming Instant Payment Notifications on the URL:

http://{{YOUR DOMAIN}}/ipn/ipn-twig-email-notification

Note that the sample email template provided depends on Twig's [number_format] numberformat filter, which was added in December 2012 (you may need to update your Twig version to use this). Don't forget to tell PayPal about your new PayPal IPN URL.

To log orders but not send notifications

Alternatively if you just want to log orders in the database (and not send out any notifications), then add in this controller:

    resource: "@OrderlyPayPalIpnBundle/Controller/NoNotificationController.php"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /ipn/

Your site will now be listening for incoming IPNs on:

http://{{YOUR DOMAIN}}/ipn/ipn-no-notification

Don't forget to tell PayPal about your new PayPal IPN URL.

Disclaimer: the sample controllers provided are exactly that - samples. Please update one or other of these sample files with your own business logic before putting this bundle into production.

6. Test and troubleshoot

Now it's time to test. First, make sure that islive is set to false, and sandbox_debug is set to true.

Once debugging is switched on, this is how you test:

  • Run through your checkout process as normal, making your PayPal sandbox payment etc
  • PayPal will send the IPN POST data to your new PayPal IPN URL
  • Check the PayPal IPN history for success or failure (e.g. HTTP status code 500)
  • Check you received the order confirmation email (if you're sending one)
  • Check the order and line items are stored in your database

If you have problems with any of your checks, then the next step is to manually invoke your IPN URL in a browser and see what happens (for example a PHP or Symfony error, or perhaps a database or Twig not found error). This works because of the debug "replay" functionality explained in step 3 above. Next:

  • Fix the bug
  • Repeat

Support and bugs

For support requests, please email [Orderly Ltd] orderlyemail. If you think there is a bug in the library, or a missing feature you would like to see added, please raise a [new GitHub issue] newissue.


This library is a port of the [Codeigniter PayPal IPN library] codeigniterpaypalipn, also released by Orderly Ltd.

Many thanks to all the contributors to symfony2-paypal-ipn:

Disclaimer and warning

Orderly Ltd does not accept any liability for any processing errors made by the Symfony2 PayPal IPN Bundle, or any financial losses incurred through its use.

In particular, this library does not fulfil the PayPal IPN requirement to:

verify that the payment amount actually matches what you intend to charge. Although not technically an IPN issue, if you do not encrypt buttons, it is possible for someone to capture the original transmission and change the price. Without this check, you could accept a lesser payment than what you expected.

(This verification step is out of scope for this bundle because it would require integration with your product catalogue.)

Additionally this library does not properly handle refunds. Typically refunds are stored as a new order line in ipn_orders with a negative balance, but even this is not 100% predicatable.


symfony2-paypal-ipn is copyright (c) 2012 Orderly Ltd.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.