
Dev Docker setup for SilverStripe

Primary LanguageShell

Dev Docker setup for SilverStripe

Dev Docker setup for SilverStripe projects i use for development.

What does it bring?

  • PHP 8.1 + Xdebug
  • Mysql 5.7 (Older version because of shared hosting limits)
  • Apache 2.4 (Also due to shared hosting limits)
  • PHPMyAdmin for DB administration
  • Mailcatcher for testing emails
  • Zsh in container
  • UserID handling to avoid permission issues for files written by the container
    (the shell script will adjust www-data in the container to your userID on the host, so it will be the same as on the host)


  1. Copy the docker folder to your SilverStripe project.
  2. Replace silverstripe_project with your SilverStripe project name.
  3. Adjust git config section in docker.sh with your creds.
  4. Adjust containerName in docker.sh with your container name.
  5. Adjust COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME in docker-env with your container name.
  6. In Terminal change directory to the docker folder.
  7. Run ./docker.sh -l to start the containers. You will be logged in into the php docker container.
  8. Inside the php container you can run composer install or any other console tasks like vendor/bin/sake dev/build.
  9. In browser go to http://localhost:8089 and you should see the SilverStripe site.