
Simple ansible roleset for a LEMP server

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LEMP setup

This set of roles will install:

  • PHP 7.2
  • nginx (latest) with SSL (including HSTS and Forward Secrecy) and HTTP2 support
  • MySQL (latest in the Ubuntu 16.04 APT repositories)
  • Letsencrypt (latest)

Tested with: Ansible 2.5


This setup has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.

Inventory file

Filename: hosts

Required variables:

  • hostname, hostname of the server which is set as the hostname and is used by nginx and Letsencrypt

MySQL root password

You can define the MySQL root password in the inventory file, but that's not desirable, since the password will then be stored unencrypted on your computer. Better is to store the password encrypted in the roles/mysql/vault/credentials.yml file.

Create the file and make up a new password:

mysql_root_password: YourPasswordHere

Run: ansible-vault encrypt roles/mysql/vault/credentials.yml --ask-vault-pass and enter your (new) encryption key

How to run it

  • Create hosts file in the root directory
  • ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml --ask-vault-pass


  • Add support for Apache
  • Create non-root user
  • Make nginx setup idempotent
  • Setup ufw
  • Make goaccess setup idempotent
  • Separate role concerns better
  • Find a proper way to secure the goaccess websocket