
Wrapper for installing pypy on coreos server

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Based on the coreos-pypy. Installation of PYPY for CoreOS to get Ansible work.


On CoreOS

    docker run --rm -v /opt:/tmp/core_volume skopciewski/coreos-pypy

ansible configuration

For ansible >= v2.1 set:

    ansible_python_interpreter: "/opt/pypy/bin/pypy"


Any params passed to the container are ignored (except escto). Entrypoint will:

  • copies current verion of PyPy to the mounted volume
  • creates symbolic link pypy to the current PyPy version

Escape to

If you want to inspect container, run docker with escto as first param:

    docker run -it --rm -v /opt:/tmp/core_volume skopciewski/coreos-pypy escto sh