
6502 and PET emulator from Stephen Sykes' IOCCC submission

Primary LanguageCCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


6502 and PET emulator from Stephen Sykes' IOCCC submission - see the official site and Stephen's blog entry

The purpose here is to host a bug-fixed version of the emulator, and some efforts at deobfuscation. See the hint.text file for details of how to run it. (To run as a PET you will need a ROM image - instructions in the hint file.)

The original submission doesn't successfully run the in-ROM machine monitor, which alerted me to the possibility of bugs. Other than the absence of decimal mode (which is a relatively common omission and a relatively harmless one) I found these:

  • BRK should be a 2-byte opcode
  • Bit 4 of the pushed status byte (P) must be zero when pushed by IRQ and otherwise one.

To find the bugs I ran Klaus Dormann's test suite. The emulator formerly failed and now passes (up to decimal mode.)

Here's a screenshot of the code: PET (shaped) emulator

See also the post on gplus by mos6502 here.

The rules at the time for submissions to the International Obfuscated C Code Contest put winning entries into the public domain - so I've applied a CC0 license.