
Archive of Atari 8-bit images created with RastaConverter

Primary LanguageShell

RastaConverter Archive

  • All images are created with RastaConverter.
  • Screenshots are generated with atari800.
  • The default palette is PAL. If a filename contains the letters NTSC (case ignored) the NTSC palette is used.
  • All images are sorted by their respective author. If a file is not labelled, it is sorted alphabetically in the '''various''' directory.
  • To contribute to this archive, fork, and send a pull request.
  • Alternatively, you can post to this AtariAge thread and it will eventually show up here.
  • If you want to add authors or NTSC labels to existing files, fork, and send a pull request, or open an issue.
  • To download the full archive, clone the repository or click on the green button that says Code and select download ZIP.
  • The original RastaConverter does not compile cleanly on Linux. A fork with fixes is here.


Type Number Percentage
Labelled 1268 55.5%
Unlabelled 1016 44.5%
Total 2284 100%
Type Number Percentage
PAL 2224 97.4%
NTSC 60 2.6%
Total 2284 100%