
Fully static chroot environment based on LFS

Primary LanguageShell


Static Linux From Scratch with musl.

Build a fully static chroot environment based on LFS and musl.

Target is amd64/x86_64.


  • Follow LFS up to chapter 4. Create lfs user and group.

  • As user lfs, checkout this repo and run the scripts.

  • Run ipalfs-download-packages.sh to retrieve the needed packages.

  • Optionally you can create a tarball of the lfs directory after each build step.

  • ipalfs-chapter5.sh automates chapter 5.

  • ipalfs-chapter6a and 6b automate chapter 6.

  • You now have a chrootable directory lfs without shared libraries or dynamically linked binaries.

  • The tools directory can be deleted.

  • From now on you can follow the LFS instructions and change ownership, add dev, proc, etc, passwd file, and so on. Note that some later steps need /proc and possibly /dev and /sys.

  • Copy chapter7 and chapter8 files, all patches and both python-setup.txt to $LFS/root

  • As root, run: chroot /home/lfs/lfs env -i HOME=/root PATH=/sbin:/bin TERM=ansi PS1='[(chroot) \u \w]# ' /bin/bash --login

  • Run ipalfs-chapter7a which creates some files we need

  • ipalfs-chapter7b compiles the last temporary libraries and tools

  • Leave chroot and make a backup of the roofs

  • Enter chroot again (note: we need /proc and /dev mounted for expect and inetutils to work and/or build correctly)

  • Run ipalfs-chapter8a to start building the actual chroot environment

  • Continue with chapter8b and 8c

  • This concludes the basic chroot. The contents of /root and /packages can be deleted. All files in /bin and /sbin should be stripped and /lib contains only static libraries.

  • Make a backup tarball of the rootfs before you continue. Remember to unmount /proc, /dev/ and /sys first!

  • Note that ksyslogd, eudev (systemd fork libtool abomination), Meson and Wheel are missing. I don't need them. YMMV. ksyslogd's codebase won't build with a modern standards compliant musl and there is no configure. eudev has numerous problems with link order, libtool and its systemd heritage. Wheel runs stuff intended for macos X unconditionally and relies on ctypes which is not available when there is no dynamic loader. Could be patched out. Meson depends on Wheel, hence no Meson.

  • Extra packages are standalone argp, musl-fts and musl-obstack.

  • All documentation is either not installed or removed.

  • Add export TZ=$(cat /etc/timezone) to /root/.profile for correct time and date. Defaults to Europe/Amsterdam.

Build times on AMD FX-8320 octacore 3.5GHz

  • chapter5: 17m17.809s
  • chapter6a: 9m20.996s
  • chapter6b: 18m44.842s
  • chapter7a: 0m0.218s
  • chapter7b: 16m7.881s
  • chapter8a: 24m42.194s
  • chapter8b: 15m43.402s
  • chapter8c: 21m25.474s

Total: circa 124 minutes, just over two hours.

Size after build

0       bin
4.0K    dev
816K    etc
0       lib
0       lib64
0       proc
16K     root
4.0K    run
0       sbin
4.0K    sys
8.0K    tmp
1.1G    usr         <--- except for /etc, everything is here
12K     var


217M    bin
30M     include
476M    lib
0       lib64
196M    libexec
30M     sbin
151M    share