
Fiboa: A survey for existing field boundary data (and APIs)

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Data Survey

A survey of non-standardized metadata, data and APIs that describe agricultural fields and their boundaries.


The following data has been surveyed:

Data Survey Instructions

In order to help everyone get a real sense of how different field boundary datasets are structured we’ve started this survey. The idea is to have a page for each dataset that gives an overview of the data, includes details about it (file format, documentation, license, projection), and lays out the data schema / metadata. Every organization that is creating or consuming field boundaries should contribute to this. It is ok if it is a very simple schema, like just ID and Field.

This should provide an easy reference during the field boundaries workshop to ground any discussion about particular attributes, as we can easily look at to see what others did. And it should also serve as a continued resource to others in the future (if you don’t want to publish publicly we can also accommodate you).

See the below for instructions if you're comfortable with GitHub or you can also just use this google doc template and then include it in a new issue.


  • Feel strongly encouraged to submit your information for the survey via a Pull Request.
  • Please use the template.md to fill the survey. See the examples above for inspiration.
  • Place the document with a descriptive name into the data folder. If you provide more than one file, please create a folder that contains all files.
  • The submission should include example data, ideally in GeoJSON format.