
Provides completion functions which complete in a manner similar to |:!|.

Primary LanguageVim Script

*shell_complete.txt*  Shell-like completion for user commands

USAGE                                             *shell_complete-usage*

You will typically use shell_complete
to provide custom command completion |:command-completion-customlist|.

To do so, declare the command thusly: >
    command! -complete=customlist,shell_complete#CustomListComplete Foo

shell_complete also exports various other functions which may be useful.
For example, shell_complete#Complete can do completion in the same way
as the list completion function, but more directly.
shell_complete#Complete also does not escape spaces in its results.

Other functions can be used to complete commands or filenames specifically,
or to achieve various lower-level goals.
See the source code in `autoload/shell_complete.vim` for details.