
Employee Scheduling Optimization Project with AWS CDK

Primary LanguageJavaMIT No AttributionMIT-0

Employee Shift Scheduling Optimization


This project let you provision employee shift scheduling application using Amazon ECS. The application provides REST API using a private loadbalancer. The infrastructure code is using AWS Cloud Development Kit(AWS CDK), and the DevOps pipeline is configured using AWS CodePipeline.



Solution Architecture


Folder structure

├── infra (cdk application to deploy cloud resources)
├── docs (detailed documentation)
└── opt_engine (optimization engine)

Getting Started

Project Config

  1. Create an AWS Profile on your development machine to deploy this project (e.g.: my-deployment-profile)

  2. Navigate to infra/config

    1. Copy the default.yml file to a new file local-XXXXXXXXXXXX.yml where XXXXXXXXXXXX is your AWS ACCOUNT ID
    2. Replace the config settings to your own values. Mandatory changes to account, administratorEmail fields
  3. Make sure you have all the required tools installed on your dev machine (tested on mac).


  1. Check project config

  2. Navigate to the root of the project and edit the variables of deploy_stacks.sh.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure the namespace values match in infra/config and in the deploy_stacks.sh script

  3. Then run the deployment script


Clean UP

  1. Check project config

  2. Navigate to the root of the project and edit the variables of destroy_stacks.sh.

  3. Then run the deployment script



Optimization Engine

  1. Check project config

  2. Navigate to opt_eingie/core/core-impl/src/main/resources

    1. edit profile and region values in file application.properties
  3. Navigate to opt_eingie/apps/schedule-optimization-app/src/main/resources

    1. edit profile and region values in file application.properties
  4. Navigate to opt_eingie/apps/schedule-optimization-app

    1. unlock comment on line 77 to 79 <systemProperties> block in file pom.xml
  5. Build and Run application

    1. navigate to opt_engine
    2. build maven project or run build_schedule_optimization_app.sh
    3. navigate to opt_engine/apps/schedule-optimization-app/target
    4. run java -jar opt-engine-runner.jar
    5. navigate to opt_engine/scripts
    6. run rest_solve.sh


Dev Tools

  • nvm with nodejs v16 installed
  • yarn
  • docker
  • zip
  • jq
  • openjdk version v11 or higher (jdk17 preffered)
  • vscode with eslint plugin (preferred)



This sample project is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.