
Utilities to aid a pandoc-based workflow

Primary LanguageShell

Utilities to aid a pandoc (and vim) workflow

  1. Put pandocwrapper somewhere reachable through $PATH. Sometimes this is not the same as :echo $PATH inside vim, so ensure that vim can invoke it (if not using Vim, that's it :).
  2. Install vim-dispatch (vundle, vam, etc.)
  3. Copy the contents of vimrc into your .vimrc file
  4. Put pandoc.vim in .vim/after/ftplugin/
  5. Play with options:
    • g:pandoc_enable_make_after_save (default: false). Invokes pandoc wrapper after file has been saved.
    • g:pandoc_output_type (default: pdf). File type to generate (see pandoc.vim for supported filetypes)

Pandoc Wrapper

The wrapper depends on Bash, not Vim. So it can be embedded in any non-vim workflow.


Since the way I configure vim-dispatch makes the wrapper run in the background (I like to be able to immediately return to where I was left), I invoke an OSX sound to identify if the build executed correctly or not.


  • Make it a vim-plugin
  • Implement the pandocwrapper functionality using Hakyll. The watch option caches everything, so expensive builds can leverage this to rebuild efficiently.