BRASS Dockerfiles

  • brass:base - specifies the base image used by all other BRASS projects. Provides a minimal working environment, equipped with ROS, TurtleBot, Gazebo, Java 8 JDK, and Python 2.7.
  • brass:cp1 - provides a production-ready environment for Challenge Problem 1, including all staged artefacts.

Building from source

All of the Docker images within this repository should be constructed by invoking make. Docker will use caching when rebuilding the images, so incremental builds should be particularly fast.


Running a container with X forwarding

In order to use X11 inside an interactive Docker container, the script should be used. This can be quite useful when you need to debug the robot using rviz, or other GUI-based tools.

host> ./ brass:base
docker> roslaunch turtlebot_stage turtlebot_in_stage.launch

Don't forget to build the Docker images from source, or to download them from DockerHub before trying to execute this script.