Hackintosh for LENOVO XiaoXinPro 16ACH 2021

  • This 'EFI' file is only available for macOS Monterey,if you need the higher version compared to Monterey,you must replace the crucial files of the 'EFI',like bluetooth,to ensure your PC could work well;
  • IF the temperature of your laptop's CPU is too high, you probably need to limit it with the 'AMD Power Gadget' application in the Tools folder.
screenshot of the effect:


support situation:
Hardware Detail Run
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5800H well
GPU Radeon Graphics(max support 2G) better
Memory 16G well
Sound ALC0257(ALC257, layout-id=11) better(MIC has murmur,needed to customize)
HDMI Radeon Graphics(max support 2G) unknown(needed to test)
Network Card Intel AX210 WiFi6 well
Bluetooth Intel AX210 WiFi6 well
iCloud System App well
Camera FaceTime No(the high version runs well)
Battery Lenovo well

Thanking nootedred for supporting macOS on AMD platform.