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CI Connect Portal

Basecode for CI-Connect Branded Web Portals.


This repository contains the base code for the CI-Connect branded portal applications. The "Portal," utilizes Globus in order to to authenticate users with Auth. All of the Portal code can be found in the portal/ directory.

Getting Started

Set up your environment.

Create your own App registration for use in the Portal.

  • Visit the Globus Developer Pages to register an App.
  • If this is your first time visiting the Developer Pages you'll be asked to create a Project. A Project is a way to group Apps together.
  • When registering the App you'll be asked for some information, including the redirect URL and any scopes you will be requesting.
    • Redirect URL: https://localhost:5000/authcallback (note: if using EC2 localhost should be replaced with the IP address of your instance).
    • Scopes: urn:globus:auth:scope:transfer.api.globus.org:all, openid, profile, email
  • After creating your App the client id and secret can be copied into this project in the following two places:
    • portal/portal.conf in the PORTAL_CLIENT_ID and PORTAL_CLIENT_SECRET properties.
    • service/service.conf where the PORTAL_CLIENT_ID is used to validate the access token that the Portal sends to the Service.


Portal Environment Setup
  • sudo easy_install pip
  • sudo pip install virtualenv
  • sudo mkdir ~/projects
  • cd ~/projects
  • git clone https://github.com/maniaclab/ciconnect-portal
  • cd ciconnect-portal
  • virtualenv venv
  • source venv/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Note that current portal.conf file located in ciconnect-portal/portal/portal.conf is the default .conf file from the Globus Developer Portal and will need to be updated to include correct API keys.
Markdown Content Setup
  • cd ~/projects
  • git clone https://github.com/maniaclab/ciconnect-portal-markdowns
  • Make a copy of one of the branded markdown directories, label it as localhost:5000 or your local webserver
  • cp -R psdconnect.uchicago.edu/ localhost\:5000/
Running the Portal App
  • cd ~/projects/ciconnect-portal
  • ./run_portal.py
  • point your browser to https://localhost:5000

Branded Portal Cases

All code pertaining to individual branded portals is located in /portal/templates/scripts.html. This file handles stylistic differences between the portals, mainly pertaining to google analytics, nav-header menus, and branded images.

Changes to run local environment

Update /run_portal.py file to match below:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from portal import app

if __name__ == '__main__':
            ssl_context=('./ssl/server.crt', './ssl/server.key'))