


Turning Ideas Into Reality: Spring 2016

A mobile app that connects potential pet adopters with adoption shelters.

-- Will later include feature where people can offer up their pets that they are able to take care of.


Adrienne Young Anubhav Sudhakar David Rafanan Ivy Cheung

4.3.16 Updates:

Aimed to fulfill User Story: As a user, I want to use the matchmaking service to view random pets from the available selection Click on Sarah or Willow (the ones that work)

4.8.16 Updates:

Used ivycheung.xyz to host files to access online. (Had domains that weren't used for anything) Just used HTML/CSS/JS

4.12.16 Updates:

Added user story: As a user, I would want to narrow down my choices by filtering out pets. Notes... Only have sizes as a filtering criteria for now. When there's available data from the database, we will stop hard-coding.

4.18.16 Updates:

Added user story: As a user, I want to provide reviews on the adoption center so that other users can use those reviews to make decisions

Users can now register for an account and log into their account if they made one.

There is now data in the database and the user reviews are pulled from the database.

4.25.16 Updates:

Added story: As an application, I want to limit access to certain features, such as only allowing shelters (not pet adopters) to add pets to the database of pets up for adoption.

Added story: As an application, I do not want to show pets on the home page if they have been adopted

Added user story: As a user, I want to know which adoption shelter my pet came from so that I can read up on the center and provide feedback

Added user story: Add a way to see recent animals put up for adoption

Registration is now available for shelters.

Application constraints:

-- Logged in users can review shelters and search for pets

-- Only shelters can add pets for adoption