
This group aims to study pysyft tutorial parts and The Algorithmic Foundationsof Differential Privacy book chapters.

Study Group Om Explorers

This group aims to study and learn about differential privacy, federated learning and PySyft.

Link to Study Group blog: https://zumrutmuftuoglu.github.io/OM-Study-Group/

Please see instructions_write_blog_post.md in the repo on instructions on how to write a blog post on the Study Group blog.

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Resources: Differential Privacy

Thank you Professor Joseph Near for sharing your notes with us about data privacy!

Secure & Private AI Google Colab notebooks by @Ria


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Resources: PySyft (OpenMined Tutorials)

Tutorials from OpenMined can be found here.

Part Tutorial Link
1 The Basic Tools of Private Deep Learning Part 01
2 Intro to Federated Learning Part 02
3 Advanced Remote Execution Tools Part 03
4 Federated Learning with Model Averaging Part 04
5 Welcome to the Sandbox Part 05
6 Federated Learning on MNIST using a CNN Part 06
7 Federated Learning with FederatedDataset Part 07