Multi-purpose Discord bot written in C#
Click here to add the bot to a server of your choice
Can be built on Windows, Linux, and macOS using the .NET 5 SDK or can be built directly through Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code
Clone the repository with git clone
then rename App.config.example to App.config and edit it accordingly to your Discord and Lavalink environment
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku="net5.0" />
<add key="Token" value="replace with your bot token" />
<add key="Prefix" value="replace with a prefix of your choice" />
<add key="Host" value="replace with the set lavalink address" />
<add key="Port" value="replace with the set lavalink port" />
<add key="Password" value="replace with the set lavalink password" />
Remember that if you are running your Lavalink instance on Heroku the port will always be 80 regardless of the port you set
Cleaning up the rest of MusicService
but nothing big at the moment, feel free to suggest any ideas!