
Notes and exercises from Learn How to Code v2 with Todd McLeod.

Primary LanguageGo

Project Overview

These projects are all from the Learn How to Code (v2) with Google's Golang Programming Languauge course. While I have already taken version one of this course, I want to ramp up my skills in Go and really hone them in order to fully understand the content presened in the Web Dev w/Go course.

Project Goal

To complete version 2.0 of this course, and I will summarize what I've learned each day at the end of my session along with completing all of the project exercises.

Project Exercises

I will complete the project exercises after every section and review what I've learned up to this point.

Project Summary

I summarize what I've learned each day I work on the course, a la the #100DaysOfCode style - format is below.

D1: Monday, January 1st, 2017

What did I learn today?:

How does this build on from yesterday?:

Key Takeways & Points to Review:

Any Reflections?: