
A python script to process Octopress markdown files and write a JSON file ready to import into Ghost.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

These scripts worked for me. There's no guarantee they will work for you.

Octopress 2 Ghost

A python script to process Octopress markdown files and write a JSON file ready to import into Ghost.

These are the preliminar steps:

  • Setup Ghost, signup, signin and remove the welcome post.
  • Go to /ghost/debug and export the database. It'll save a file named GhostData.json.
  • Download octopress2ghost.py and install the requirements: pip install translitcodec

Run the conversion script:

python octopress2ghost.py <octopress-posts> <ghost-data> | python -mjson.tool > import-this.json

Where octopress-posts is a directory with the Octopress posts and ghost-data is the JSON exported from Ghost.

Now go to /ghost/debug and import the obtained JSON file.

If everything goes well you should be able to signin again and all your Octopress posts will be there.

Octopress HTML 2 Markdown

A python script to generate Octopress markdown files from published HTML files.


  • Octopress directory
  • Published blog directory
  • Generate a list of absolute paths of all the published HTML files using command line utilities and save the list to a file