This repository is devoted to studying the fundamentals of wireless communication from David Tse and Pramod Viswanath's popular and resourceful book---Fundamentals of Wireless Communication! To validate understanding of the subject matter and to acquire coding skills, some vital communication concepts are simulated and practice code shared.
KEYWORDS: Additive White Gaussian Noise, baseband signal model, fading scales, Rayleigh fading channel, Rician fadin channel
KEYWORDS: Large-scale fading, Path loss model, Okumura model, Hata model, Small-scale fading, SISO channels
KEYWORDS: Coherent detection, Noncoherent detection, Probability of Error, Deep fade event, Modulation Scheme, Diversity
KEYWORDS: Interference averaging, Power control, Spectral efficiency, CDMA, Wideband
KEYWORDS: Multi-carrier, Guard interval, Orthogonality, BER
KEYWORDS: Noisy channel coding theorem, Channel capacity, Ergodicity, Uncertainty
KEYWORDS: Waterfilling power allocation, Channel capacity, Bandwidth limited regime, Power limited regime, Outage capacity
KEYWORDS: Proportional fair scheduling, Opportunistic beamforming, Downlink fading channel, Uplink fading channel, Channel state information, dumb antennas
KEYWORDS: I.I.D Rayleigh fading model, Singular value decomposition, Waterfilling power allocation, Condition and rank number, Multiplexing gain, Degrees of freedom