Please note multiple researchers published and compiled this work. This is a list of their research in the 3G/4G/5G Cellular security space. This information is intended to consolidate the community's knowledge. Thank you, I plan on frequently updating this "Awesome Cellular Hacking" curated list with the most up to date exploits, blogs, research, and papers.
- 5gjam.pdf
- D1T2 - Bypassing GSMA Recommendations on SS7 Networks - Kirill Puzankov.pdf
- HAXPO D1 - VoLTE Phreaking - Ralph Moonen.pdf
- LTE_Jamming_Magazine_Paper_final.pdf
- LTE_open_source_HackerHalted.pdf
- LTE_security_TakeDownCon.pdf
- Prac-4G-Attacks.pdf
- ShmooCon_talk_final_01162016.pdf
- milcom2018_slides_final.pdf
- breaking_lte_on_layer_two.pdf
- bladeRF
- HackRF
- LimeSDR
- Odroid
- Raspberry Pi
- PC
- Android