How to setup runbot to run your project


  • postgresql
  • nginx
  • docker
  • python3 and virtualenv


runbot must run as system user "odoo"

This user must

  • be a member of the docker group
  • have createdb priviledge on the local database server

Postgresql Setup recommended to have a separate pg cluster for hosting the odoo database of the runbot:

$ pg_createcluster -p 5444 12 runbot $ pg_ctlcluster 12 runbot start $ createdb -p 5444 -O odoo odoo $ createdb -p 5444 -O odoo runbotdb

  • configure the cluster to listen on a public network interface if needed
  • allow access from other runbot nodes

Odoo dependencies

sudo apt install git python3-dev virtualenv python3-virtualenv gcc libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev

curl -sL | bash - sudo apt install nodejs

then run

DBHOST=hostname.of.db.server DBPASSWD=odoouserpasswd DBPORT=5444 ./


  • db connection in configuration is only used for the db holding the runbot instance
  • builds will use a local postgresql cluster running on the default port, and try to acces the database "postgres" (hard coded), using the user running runbot