
Reproduce a difficult bug in pulumi-aws

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  1. Run pulumi up from initial state.

  2. Record state: pulumi stack export > state-2.json

  3. Change runbook.yml's description field from *Some description* to *Some description or another*:

 runbook.yml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/runbook.yml b/runbook.yml
index 0621be7..025f680 100644
--- a/runbook.yml
+++ b/runbook.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 description: |
-  *Some description*
+  *Some description or another*
 schemaVersion: '0.3'
 assumeRole: '\{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}'
  1. Run PULUMI_DEBUG_GRPC=update-4.json pulumi up --skip-preview --yes:
𝛌 PULUMI_DEBUG_GRPC=update-4.json pu up --skip-preview --yes
Updating (dev)

View in Browser (Ctrl+O): https://app.pulumi.com/pulumi/ts/dev/updates/70

Loading policy packs...

     Type                 Name                  Status                  Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  ts-dev                **failed**              1 error
 ~   └─ aws:ssm:Document  nodeBuildRunbook-doc  **updating failed**     [diff: ~content]; 1 error

    ✅ pulumi-internal-policies@v0.0.6

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (ts-dev):
    error: update failed

  aws:ssm:Document (nodeBuildRunbook-doc):
    error: 1 error occurred:
        * updating urn:pulumi:dev::ts::aws:ssm/document:Document::nodeBuildRunbook-doc: 1 error occurred:
        * updating SSM Document (nodeBuildRunbook): ValidationException: 1 validation error detected: Value at 'documentVersion' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ([$]LATEST|[$]DEFAULT|[$]APPROVED|[$]PENDING_REVIEW|^[1-9][0-9]*$)
        status code: 400, request id: 78e5bff7-d246-4fa5-9d5d-a42297494eea

    4 unchanged

Duration: 5s
  1. Record state: pulumi stack export > state-5.json

  2. Run PULUMI_DEBUG_GRPC=update-6.json pulumi up --skip-preview --yes:

𝛌 PULUMI_DEBUG_GRPC=update-6.json pulumi up --skip-preview --yes
Updating (dev)

View in Browser (Ctrl+O): https://app.pulumi.com/pulumi/ts/dev/updates/71

Loading policy packs...

     Type                 Name                  Status           Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  ts-dev                                 
 ~   └─ aws:ssm:Document  nodeBuildRunbook-doc  updated (2s)     [diff: ~content]

    ✅ pulumi-internal-policies@v0.0.6

    ~ 1 updated
    5 unchanged

Duration: 6s
  1. Record state: pulumi stack export > state-7.json


The request.olds objects are different between update-4.json and update-6.json:

<                 "content": "description: |\n  *Some description*\n\nschemaVersion: '0.3'\nassumeRole: '{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}'\nparameters:\n  AutomationAssumeRole:\n    type: String\n    default: 'arn:aws:iam::616138583583:role/ssmAutomation-role'\n    description: (Required) The ARN of the role that allows automation to perform the actions on your behalf.\n  InstanceId:\n    type: String\n    description: (Required) AMI Source EC2 instance ID\n  Region:\n    type: String\n    description: AWS Region\n    default: 'us-west-2'\nmainSteps:\n  ##############################################################################\n  - name: 'Wait_for_SSM_Agent'\n    description: SSM Agent Needs to be Ready\n    action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty\n    timeoutSeconds: 3600\n    inputs:\n      Service: ssm\n      Api: DescribeInstanceInformation\n      InstanceInformationFilterList:\n        - key: InstanceIds\n          valueSet: ['{{ InstanceId }}']\n      PropertySelector: '$..PingStatus'\n      DesiredValues:\n        - Online\n    isCritical: 'true'\n",
>                 "attachmentsSources": [],
>                 "content": "description: |\n  *Some description or another*\n\nschemaVersion: '0.3'\nassumeRole: '{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}'\nparameters:\n  AutomationAssumeRole:\n    type: String\n    default: 'arn:aws:iam::616138583583:role/ssmAutomation-role'\n    description: (Required) The ARN of the role that allows automation to perform the actions on your behalf.\n  InstanceId:\n    type: String\n    description: (Required) AMI Source EC2 instance ID\n  Region:\n    type: String\n    description: AWS Region\n    default: 'us-west-2'\nmainSteps:\n  ##############################################################################\n  - name: 'Wait_for_SSM_Agent'\n    description: SSM Agent Needs to be Ready\n    action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty\n    timeoutSeconds: 3600\n    inputs:\n      Service: ssm\n      Api: DescribeInstanceInformation\n      InstanceInformationFilterList:\n        - key: InstanceIds\n          valueSet: ['{{ InstanceId }}']\n      PropertySelector: '$..PingStatus'\n      DesiredValues:\n        - Online\n    isCritical: 'true'\n",
<                 "defaultVersion": "1",
<                 "documentVersion": "1",
<                 "hash": "ed5916d6e8dcf277f139e50a6e07bc4b340e12681176dd31d4787cec5f22382d",
<                 "latestVersion": "1",
<                 "parameters": [
<                         {
<                                 "defaultValue": "arn:aws:iam::616138583583:role/ssmAutomation-role",
<                                 "description": "(Required) The ARN of the role that allows automation to perform the actions on your behalf.",
<                                 "name": "AutomationAssumeRole",
<                                 "type": "String"
<                         },
<                         {
<                                 "defaultValue": "",
<                                 "description": "(Required) AMI Source EC2 instance ID",
<                                 "name": "InstanceId",
<                                 "type": "String"
<                         },
<                         {
<                                 "defaultValue": "us-west-2",
<                                 "description": "AWS Region",
<                                 "name": "Region",
<                                 "type": "String"
<                         }
<                 ],

In particular, the content field of olds in the second update has the new value of runbook.yml, even though no successful update was performed*. This seems really weird, and is the likely cause for the inconsistent behavior.