PDF Digital Signature

This codebase will give digital signature to a pdf file and validating the signature

Group Members

  1. 05111940000023 - Mohammad Faderik Izzul Haq
  2. 05111940000053 - Allam Taju Sarof
  3. 05111940000138 - Achmad Akbar Irwanda
  4. 05111940000229 - Iwan Dwi Prakoso


  • Generate user's private and public key ✔️
  • App to sign PDF document digitally ✔️
  • App to verify the signature ✔️
  • Embed the signature in the PDF file
  • Refactor code to modular


testing.py testing-validate.py

  • generate a pair of key
  • create signature
  • create certif
  • embed certif
  • extract certif
  • signature validation

generatekey.py sign.py validate.py

  • generate a pair of key
  • create signature
  • signature validation

LIB Instalation

  • pip install PDFNetPython3
  • pip install pyOpenSSL