
Homebrew tap for Python versions

Primary LanguageRuby


This Homebrew tap provides formulæ to install multiple Python versions.

We currently support Python 3.3.6, Python 3.4.3, and Python 3.5.0.

How do I install these formulæ?

brew install zoidbergwill/python/<formula>

Or brew tap zoidbergwill/python and then brew install <formula>.


$ brew install python34
$ pip3.4 install -U pip setuptools

We don't ever install to pip3, pyvenv, or python3, since we don't know which Python version you want to use in general. Eventually I hope to add support for that somehow, though using pyenv might be a better solution.


Please check the main Homebrew troubleshooting guide and then open an issue in this tap.

How to submit a new formula

  • Fork this repository on GitHub.
  • Clone to your Mac.
  • Read Python for Formula Authors and look at the other formulæ here.
  • In your locally cloned homebrew-python repo, create a new branch: git checkout --branch my_new_formula
  • Write/edit your formula (ruby file). Check Homebrew's documentation for details.
  • Test it locally! brew install ./my-new-formula.rb. Does it install? Note, ./<formula>.rb will target the local file.
  • git push --set-upstream origin my-new-formula to get it into your GitHub fork as a new branch.
  • If you have to change something, add a commit and git push.
  • On GitHub, select your new branch and then click the "Pull Request" button.