
dictionary of DICOM data elements, built directly from the published standard at dicom.nema.org

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


dictionary of DICOM data elements, built directly from the published standard at dicom.nema.org


To install the latest version of the dictionary (ie. latest specification from dicom.nema.org):

npm install @iwharris/dicom-data-dictionary

To install a specific revision (eg. 2016c):

npm install @iwharris/dicom-data-dictionary@2016c


const dictionary = require('@iwharris/dicom-data-dictionary');

// '2014b'
// This depends on which dictionary revision is installed

// '(0020,0011)'

//   tag: '(0020,0011)',
//   name: 'Series Number',
//   keyword: 'SeriesNumber',
//   vr: 'IS',
//   vm: '1',
//   note: '',
//   isRetired: false

// Same as above

// Same as above

// Same as above


The dictionary is built directly from the DICOM specification, section 3.6.

Clone and install dev dependencies:

# Check out the latest source and install dependencies
git clone git@github.com:iwharris/dicom-data-dictionary.git

cd dicom-data-dictionary

npm install

Build the dictionary module with one command:

npm run full-build <revision>

Replace <revision> with the desired specification revision, eg. "2014b". If omitted, the script will pull the current revision.

Alternately, you can run the build steps individually:

# Fetch the desired revision
npm run fetch 2014b

# Build the .ts module
npm run build downloaded/2014b/part06.xml --ignore-errors

# Lint the generated module
npm run prettier

# Run unit tests on the generated module
npm test

# Compile Typescript (useful for publishing to npm)
npm run compile

Publishing a new revision

  1. Check out master and create a new branch, naming it revision/<REVISION_STRING>. For example:
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b revision/2020a
  1. Push the branch.
git push origin revision/2020a
  1. Follow the build steps from the previous section, fetching the latest spec and generating the dictionary module.
# dicom.nema.com labels the latest spec as 'current' instead of a revision string like '2020a'.
# The following step assumes that 'current' is pointing to the '2020a' revision.
npm run fetch current
npm run build downloaded/2020a/part06.xml
  1. Commit the new src/index.ts module to the branch.
git add src/index.ts
git commit -m "revision 2020a"
  1. Increment the package version for the new revision. Each new revision should be a new minor release.
npm version minor
  1. Add a git tag that points to the revision.
git tag -f 2020a
git push --tags
  1. Publish the package to NPM and update the current and latest tags to point to this version.
npm publish --tag 2020a --access public
npm dist-tag add @iwharris/dicom-data-dictionary@<VERSION_NUMBER> current
npm dist-tag add @iwharris/dicom-data-dictionary@<VERSION_NUMBER> latest
  1. Check the dist-tags on the package to make sure that they are pointing to the correct versions.
npm dist-tag ls
  1. Merge the branch back into master to ensure that it has the latest revision.
git checkout master
git merge 2020a
git push