
Bicategories of automata, completeness of F-automata in monoidal categories, adjoints between (semi)bicategories; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.03867, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.03865, https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.00272

Primary LanguageAgda

Categorical automata in Agda

This repository contains the Agda formalization for a series of papers by Guido Boccali, Andrea Laretto, Fosco Loregian, Stefano Luneia and Bojana Femić on categorical automata in monoidal and cartesian categories and how they are organized (semi)bicategorically.

Main formalization files

  • Automata (Moore / Mealy) - definition of machines as spans in a cartesian category
  • FMoore / FMealy - definition of F-machines, generalizing to endofunctors in the span
  • Mealy/Bicategory: the bicategory of Mealy automata
  • FMoore/Limits: terminal object and products in the category of F-Moore automata
  • AsPullbacks: redirection to the definition of F-Moore and F-Mealy as strict pullbacks in Cat
  • Set/* main development of "Semibicategories of Moore automata", using direct computations in Set


  • agda-categories
  • agda-stdlib 1.7.2
  • agda 2.6.3