Box Of Hope is a C++ event driven platform to protect you during the COVID-19 pandemic. BOH uses NFC and WiFi technology to ensure your mask usage is on point and employs sterilizing UV LEDs to clean your fabric mask.
- adamchristie111
- chowdhary
- conwayjw97Edinburgh
- DominicHWCaution Your Blast
- emk2203
- Eoin-McMahon@PicnicSupermarket
- iamstarkov@nordnet
- iwishiwasaneagle@UOG
- jones139Hartlepool, UK
- jwarnock657Glasgow
- martinkarelGlasgow
- MusketMosezScotland
- onsmdhaffer
- PhugoidMode
- sarahswintonUniversity of Glasgow
- SenpaItaly
- ShBero
- vBmAlberta Health Services
- Yifan-XieUniversity of Glasgow