This is Jay Wang's enhanced theme based on the official Twentyseventeen theme.
This child theme aims to give more flexible options.
Please notice, this child theme is my own playground, and all changes are probably not suitable for other people's need.
Version 0.3, May 14, 2019 [Improved] Improve keywords and desciption meta tags to include category and product category pages
Version 0.2, May 6, 2019
- [Added] Add keywords and description meta tags for SEO enhancement, see Adding Keywords and Description Meta Tags to Enhance WordPress SEO
- [Added] Add a widget area in the top navigation for displaying an additional search form
Version 0.1, Februry 9, 2019
- [Added] Increase the number of front page panels
- [Added] Custom site credit setting
- [Added] Custom MIIT license setting
- [Added] A custom widget for displaying posts of a specific category