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- One version for all Atmel AVR boards and for Arduino Due or other boards based on Atmel SAM3X8E
- Stepping-algorithm optmized now for DRV8825 and A4988 (no need for double or quadstepping; no delays)
- High speed stepping of approx. 295.000 steps/s, if needed (maybe more with less DOUBLE_STEP_FREQUENCY?)
- Configuration & Compilation
- Supported
- Notes
- Version
This version of Marlin was made to accommodate some requests made by the community RepRap Italy
The new features are:
- A single Firmware for all types of printers; Cartesian, Delta, MORGAN SCARA, MAKERARM SCARA, CoreXY, CoreXZ & CoreYZ and their reverse.
- The possibility of having only one hotend independently from the extruders that you have.
- The addition of the 6th extruder.
- Management Color Mixing Extruder
- System Management MKr4 for 4 extruders with just two drivers and 8 relays.
- System Management MKr6 for 6 extruders with just two drivers and 8 relays.
- System Management MKr12 for 12 extruders with just four drivers and 16 relays.
- Management Dual Extruder DONDOLO.
- Step per unit varied for each extruder as well as the feedrate and the acceleration.
- Added commands to facilitate purging of hotend.
- Added Delta Auto Calibration Algorithm of Minor Squares based on DC42 RepRapFirmware 7 points
- Added Delta Auto Calibration Algorithm based on LVD-AC(Luc Van Daele) 1 - 7 points + iteration
- Added Debug Dryrun used by repetier.
- Added total Power on time writed in SD CARD.
- Added total Power consumption writed in SD CARD.
- Added total filament printed writed in SD CARD.
- Added anti extruder idle oozing system.
- Added Hysteresis and Z-Wobble correction (only cartesian printers).
- Added support reader TAG with MFRC522
- Added support NEXTION lcd touch
- Added Cooler and Hot Chamber
- Added Laser beam and raster base64
- Added CNC Router
- Addes Mesh Bed Level (MBL)
- Added Stop and Save for Restart (SSR)
- Added Restart for recovery jov when power loss an return
- Added Nozzle Clean Features
- Added Nozzle Park Features
- Added RGB LED
- Added Case Light
- Added ABL or MBL leveling fade height
- Added save in EEPROM ABL, MBL or UBL
- Added Door switch
- Added TMC2130 motor driver
- Added TMC2208 motor driver
- Added Power Check for Stop and Save
- Added Probe Manually
- Added LCD Bed Leveling
- Added User menu LCD
- Added DAV system for filament runout
- Added Extruder Encoder for control filament movement
- Added Adafruit Neopixel LED
- Added DHT Sensor Temperature and Humidity (DHT11, DHT21 and DHT22)
- Added Universal Bed Leveling (UBL) by Official Marlin
- Added Junction Deviation instead of traditional Jerk limiting
- Added Bézier Jerk Control see
The current MarlinKimbra dev team consists of:
More features have been added by:
- Mr.Goblin
- iosonopersia
- Franco (nextime) Lanza
MK4duo is published under the GPL license because I believe in open development. Do not use this code in products (3D printers, CNC etc) that are closed source or are crippled by a patent.