
A view controller with a scrollable tabBar that has uncertain number of items. Each item shows a specific view.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


  • A view controller with a scrollable tabBar that has uncertain number of items. Each item shows a specific view.

  • Objective-C: You can click Here to get the Objective-C version of this framework.

Why shoud I use this framework

  • You can build a view controller with scrollable tabBar in only a few steps.

  • The items in the tabBar can be dynamic. The items in the tabBar can be different every time you open the view controller.

  • You don't have to create a class file for each item. What you should do is to create a view for each item.

  • You can use this framework to create view controllers like these below.

  • It can be used on iPhoneX now.

image image image image image image


  • Manual import

Drag all the files in the DJTabBarController folder to your project.

How to use it

  • Extends DJTabBarController

    class DJViewController: DJTabBarController 

NOTE: You can make DJTabBarController extends your base ViewController in your project if necessary, instead of extending UIViewController.

  • Setup customized properties in viewDidLoad method

      // color
      normalTitleColor            = UIColor.black
      currentTitleColor           = UIColor.white
      normalButtonBgColor         = UIColor.blue
      currentButtonBgColor        = UIColor.orange
      tabBarBgColor               = UIColor.white
      // font
      normalTitleFont             = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13)
      currentTitleFont            = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18)
      // height
      tabBarHeight                = 30;
      // button width
      isUnifiedWidth              = false;
      // indicator line
      isShowIndicatorLine         = false;
      indicatorLineHeight         = 2;
      indicatorLineColor          = UIColor.red
      indicatorLineWidth          = 50;
      isIndicatorLineInCenter     = true;
      // bottom line
      isShowBottomLine            = true;
      bottomLineHeight            = 1;
      bottomLineColor             = UIColor.black
      // margin
      isShowViewMargin            = true;
      viewMargin                  = 10;
      leftMargin                  = 10;
      rightMargin                 = 0;
      buttonMargin                = 10;
      // others
      isBounces                   = true;
      isScrollable                = true;

Tip: You DO NOT have to setup all these properties. Every property has a default value.

isUnifiedWidth is a special property. It's default value is 'false', so if you do not set it as 'true', the tabBar item's width is calculated based on the item's title. The more words on the title, the wider the title.
If you set isUnifiedWidth as 'true', every item's width will be the same. You should set buttonWidth as you want, it has a default value 100.

Note: If you show indicatorLine and bottomLine at the same time. The indicator line may be covered by bottom line.

  • Setup data in viewDidLoad method

      !!!!! NOTE:
      You MUST set properties of tab bar before set value for 'tabItemArray', otherwise the properties
      you set for tab bar will not take effect.
      You can hardcode the types in the code or get the types data from server. It doesn't matter how
      many types are.
      tabItemArray = ["Military", "Games", "Societies", "Sports", "Entertainment", "Headline", "Women", "Politics", "Fashion"]
      // Add all tableviews that need to display data
      tableViewArray = setupSubviews()

Tip: You MUST setup data AFTER setting properties. Or you will get nothing in the tabBar.

The setupSubViews method should be implemented by yourself. Please refer to below for details.

  • LoadDefaultData in viewDidLoad method


Load first type's data by default. This method should be implemented by yourself. Please refer to demo for details.

  • Create your own tableView to display data.

This tableView should have a property typeID, and load data in its setter method.

  var typeID: String! {
      didSet {

Then you can load data based on different types.

Add them to the property tableViewArray

  /// Add all tableviews that need to display data
  private func setupSubviews() -> [DJTableView] {

      var typeTableViews = [DJTableView]()

          tabItemArray.forEach { (_) in
          let tableView = DJTableView()

      return typeTableViews
  // Add all tableviews that need to display data
  tableViewArray = setupSubviews()

You can refer to the demo project for the example tableView.

  • Implement DJTabBarController delegate methods.

Please refer to demo for details. You can use the codes of the two methods in the demo directly.

  override func didClickTabButton(tabBar: DJScrollTabBar, tabButton: UIButton) -> Bool {
      // if the click is caused by scroll the tableviews, then don't need to load data
      let isScrolled = super.didClickTabButton(tabBar: tabBar, tabButton: tabButton)

          if !isScrolled {
              // load data for a specific type

      return false
  override func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {

      // load data for a specific type
  private func loadTableViewData() {

      guard let tableViewArray = tableViewArray else {

      let view: DJTableView = tableViewArray[currentPage] as! DJTableView
      view.typeID = "\(currentPage ?? 0)"

Tip: You ONLY can use these two methods above to load every page's data. Please add your 'loadData' method to these two methods.

  • Above is all you shoud do with this framework. More you shoud do are add customized views to this framework and load data from your server.

Plese refer to demo for details.