
Boring default solution generator for golf.horse

Primary LanguageMakefile

This Makefile (and perl script) implement two very simple solutions to provide a baseline (and submission size limit) for the http://golf.horse charts. Neither is intended to be great, but they at least provide a reasonable first-cut size limit.


To translate a wordlist ten-hundred to a javascript file containing that wordlist as a string, use:

	make ten-hundred-basic.js

This strategy is included because it's quite good for short wordlists.


To translate a wordlist wordlist.asc into a javascript package containing a gzip-compressed version along with a decompressor, use:

	make wordlist.asc-zlib.js

Note that you must have also installed the browserify and uglify-js modules with npm.

This strategy is included because it's the dumbest compression-based strategy I could come up with, and there's lots of room to improve (there's about ~60k of code in there).