A website written in noir.
If you use cake, substitute 'lein' with 'cake' below. Everything should work fine.
Leiningen is the clojure build system:
You can do brew install lein
lein deps
lein run
New relic
Need somehow to get this:
:jvm-opts ["-javaagent:/app/ops/newrelic/newrelic.jar"]
into the lein run command
Travis CI
Heroku setup
$ heroku login
$ heroku addons:add mongohq:sandbox --app reaktion $ heroku addons:add newrelic --app reaktion
$ heroku create --stack cedar reaktion
$ heroku git:remote -a reaktion
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku logs -t --app reaktion
- Convert to using Ring
- Use Laser instead of enlive?
- Get newrelic working on heroku (need to be able to parameterise the project.clj to set jvm-opts)
- Add complete API - Searching, events
- Add "events" i.e. dates for the event - link to the talks - can have feeds for current, past and future events. This is specially important as now I have made it so that it puts the date in automatically, if people want to vote after the talk this wouldnt work.
- Add an Ical integration to be able to add the calendar to google calendar
- Change README to ORG file
- Rename "index.clj" to views
- Restructure files to be more sensible
- Replace CSS with LESS?
Copyright (C) 2011 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.