
A Polymer for creating stylable checkboxes that work as an input checkbox would

Primary LanguageHTML


A checkbox that can actually be styled!


Element dependencies are managed via Bower. You can install that via:

npm install -g bower

Then, go ahead and download the element's dependencies:

bower install

Using the Element

Just put those tags in the <head>: <script src="../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script> <link rel="import" href="../stylable-checkbox/stylable-checkbox.html">`` And then you will be able to use the as if it were an normal input checkbox Example:`

Playing With the Element

If you wish to work on your element in isolation, we recommend that you use Polyserve to keep your element's bower dependencies in line. You can install it via:

npm install -g polyserve

And you can run it via:


Once running, you can preview your element at http://localhost:8080/components/stylable-checkbox/