
Final project for cs50 ios track

Primary LanguageSwift



We are living through a screen

An iOS app for people like me that need to gain its time back.

Starting this pandemic I started using my phone even more, to the point where the first thing I would do as soon as wake up would be to check my phone, and before going to bed I would do the same. My daily average on screen had increased to be 5 hours and my neck was starting to resent it.:persevere:
This is why I decided to create délai which is a word from french that means "time limit" ⏰ to take a break (and eat that pastry!)

launchingscreen delai delaipicktime before doneafter


‼️ Don't leave the app or else you will lose! If you attempt to leave the app the timer will be reset and your record won't be saved. This is to prevent cheating.

📌 You can set your own time from 1 to 60 minutes (Pomodoro is about 25 min of focus intervals)

📌 Every time finish waiting for the time to be reached without leaving the app the data is recorded in a sqlite database

Compound interest is a wonder of the world

📌 You can see how many hours you have saved

  • Today
  • This Month
  • Total

Resources used

  • SQL Lite
  • Canva
  • Lottie
  • Cocoapods