
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


An MSBuild-based tool to create classics texts with the appropriate vocabulary on the page. Output should be in a readable, and potentially pritable form like PDF.


The end goal is to be able to automatically create readable classics texts with the appropriate vocabulary similar to Pharr's Aeneid. E.g., a page of the output would look something like this...



    ARMA virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris
Italiam fato profugus Lavinaque venit
litora - multum ille et terris jactatus et alto
vi superum, saevae memorem Junonis ob iram,

altum, i _n._ the deep (sea) † memor, oris mindful, remembering, un-
cano, ere, cecini, cantus sing (of), chant,   forgetting†*
  procalim†* ob on account of (_acc._)†
jacto (1) toss, buffer†* profugus, a, um exiled, fugutive†
Lavin(i)us, a, um Lavinian, of Lavinium† saevus, a, um cruel, stern, fierce†*


...with an additional list of the most common (250 or so) words and their definitions. Any word in the source text that occurs in the common list will be italicized with other words being romanized.

A vocabulary item on an inividual page will have a dagger (†) after its definition if it is the first occurence of that word in the work. Any words that occur more than 10 times will also have an asterisk (*).

Ideally this repo will never directly contain the classics texts or the dictionaries, but will instead be able to fetch them from online resources.




Documents\Aeneid\Aeneid.pdf is the final output.