
A simple (but not basic) calculator.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Hey there ! 😄

This repo isn't a fork of this other one, but the HTML & CSS is based on it. If you follow the link, you'll find the YT series with Kevin Powell & Zell making a calculator. I remade the JavaScript completely. My calculator is an extension of it, and supports now π and parentheses, as well as chained expressions.

Don't expect from me PRO javascript, this is a personal project.

Note : this is vanilla JS



How to Build

First, clone the repo :

Choose one of the following options :

git clone https://github.com/MartinHeywang/calculator
gh repo clone MartinHeywang/calculator

You may want to fork this repo before if you're willing to edit the code.

Then, serve it on your PC/Mac :

npm install -g serve
cd path/to/project
serve .


I didn't tested the code a lot. (oups...) When using this calculator, you might front unexpected results. :(

If that's the case, don't be shy and create an issue here.

You may want to fix the problem by yourself : you can create a PR too.
