
Binding Anguar1.7 with ES2016, Webpack4, Babel7, ngRedux, ui-router-1.0.0

Primary LanguageJavaScript

imhere-angular-starter CircleCI Build Status

Seed project for ES6 modules via Webpack4 with ES6 syntax using Babel7 that lazy-load and bundle build with AngularJS.

This project does:

  • AngularJS 1.7.x + ui-router 1.0.0
  • ES6 Syntax via Babel7 with source maps
  • ES6 Modules via Webpack
  • Single source of truth for state with ngRedux
  • Mocha / Chai unit tests with coverage report
  • Lazy-loading modules via routes with AngularJS
  • Easy watch/browser-sync/lint/test/build setup via Webpack
  • SASS CSS Support with source maps and minification
  • AngularJS Template Compilation
  • AngularJS Annotatation
  • Bundle builds via Webpack
  • Use Webpack Bundle Analyzer to analyze bundle treemap
  • Demonstrates on-demand theme loading
  • Component-based design
  • Configuration management by .env

Install & Run


  • Node 10+
  • Ruby 2.0+

Install tools

$ npm install -g yarn webpack
$ gem install bundler # for capistrano to deploy

Install dependencies

$ yarn
$ bundle install
$ gem install compass


$ cp .env.example .env

and change the setting.


$ yarn start

Browse to http://localhost:3000


  • yarn start to run karma tests
  • yarn test to run karma tests
  • yarn test:watch to watch and run karma tests
  • yarn build to bundle, cache busting, and minify