
Synchronize linux commands

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Store Logo

A tool to store terminal commands and create a backup on Google drive.


  • Save a command
  • Search for a command
  • Push store file ( Create backup on Google drive)
  • Pull store file (Restore file from Google drive)
  • List all commands


After initially searching Google and Stackoverflow for a command, I have to search again the next time I need to use the command. I think ctrl + r has a limit of commands it can save.


Python 3.6+

$ pip install store-cli

How to Use

$ store --help

Displays the list of commands

$ store save --help

Displays the options available for a command

$ store init

Initializes the file where the commands are saved.

$ store save -d 'commit' -c 'git commit -m 'commit message'

Saves the command and the description of the command

$ store search -q 'init'

Search for the query init

store list

Lists all the commands that has been saved

$ store push -f

This pushes the updated file to your Google drive account. Use the --first option the first time you are using the push command. Subsequently, just use store push to push to Google drive.

$ store pull -p 'push_id'

Whenever you use the push command, a push_id will be given to you. Save the id. You need this id to restore/sync your commands between computers.

$ store show

This displays the push id. You receive a push id after using the push command.

Development Purposes

  • For Development
    • clone the repo
        $ git clone https://github.com/iyanuashiri/store.git
    • get your client_secret.json from Oauth. Make sure to enable Drive Api for the project.
    • rename the client secret to credentials.json and place it in the same directory as setup.py.
    • install the package:
        # move into setup.py directory
        $ cd 
        # install package in edit mode
        $ pip install -e . #note the dot

How to Contribute

Click here to read the contributing guide.

Feature requests, suggestions and improvements are welcomed.


Iyanu Ajao