Avalonia WPF implementation of the https://github.com/iyarashii/PokemonTypeCalculator
Other versions:
- Xamarin.Android - https://github.com/iyarashii/PokemonTypeCalculator
- WinForms - https://github.com/iyarashii/PkmnCalcWinForms
- WPF - https://github.com/iyarashii/PkmnCalcWPF
- ASP.NET with Razor Pages - https://github.com/iyarashii/PkmnTypeCalcRazorPages
- Blazor WASM - https://github.com/iyarashii/PkmnCalcBlazorWasm
- .NET MAUI Blazor App - https://github.com/iyarashii/PkmnCalcMauiBlazorApp
When type is selected in one of the comboboxes it is removed from the other combobox since there are no pokemons with double type like FIRE/FIRE.