
Numerical Analysis Notes and Codes.

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Windows TeX MIT

Numerical Analysis Notes and Codes. XeLaTeX to compile. (option: '-shell-escape')

Chapter 1: Mathematical Preliminaries and Error Analysis

  • 1.1: Review of Calculus
  • 1.2: Round-off Errors and Computer Arithmetic
  • 1.3: Algorithms and Convergence
  • 1.4: Numerical Software

Chapter 2: Solutions of Equations in One Variable

  • 2.1 The Bisection Method
  • 2.2 Fixed-Point Iteration
  • 2.3 Newton's Method and Its Extensions
  • 2.4 Error Analysis for Iterative Methods
  • 2.5 Accelerating Convergence
  • 2.6 Zeros of Polynomials and Müller's Method
  • 2.7 Survey of Methods and Software

Chapter 3: Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation

  • 3.1 Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial
  • 3.2 Data Approximation and Neville's Method
  • 3.3 Divided Differences
  • 3.4 Hermite Interpolation
  • 3.5 Cubic Spline Interpolation
  • 3.6 Parametric Curves
  • 3.7 Survey of Methods and Software

Chapter 4: Numerical Differentiation and Integration

  • 4.1 Numerical Differentiation
  • 4.2 Richardson's Extrapolation
  • 4.3 Elements of Numerical Integration
  • 4.4 Composite Numerical Integration
  • 4.5 Romberg Integration
  • 4.6 Adaptive Quadrature Methods
  • 4.7 Gaussian Quadrature
  • 4.8 Multiple Integrals
  • 4.9 Improper Integrals
  • 4.10 Survey of Methods and Software

Chapter 5: Initial-Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations

  • 5.1 The Elementary Theory of Initial-Value Problems
  • 5.2 Euler’s Method
  • 5.3 Higher-Order Taylor Methods
  • 5.4 Runge-Kutta Methods
  • 5.5 Error Control and the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg Method
  • 5.6 Multistep Methods
  • 5.7 Variable Step-Size Multistep Methods
  • 5.8 Extrapolation Methods
  • 5.9 Higher-Order Equations and Systems of Differential Equations
  • 5.10 Stability
  • 5.11 Stiff Differential Equations
  • 5.12 Survey of Methods and Software

Chapter 6: Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems

  • 6.1 Linear Systems of Equations
  • 6.2 Pivoting Strategies
  • 6.3 Linear Algebra and Matrix Inversion
  • 6.4 The Determinant of a Matrix
  • 6.5 Matrix Factorization
  • 6.6 Special Types of Matrices
  • 6.7 Survey of Methods and Software

Chapter 7: IterativeTechniques in Matrix Algebra

  • 7.1 Norms of Vectors and Matrices
  • 7.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • 7.3 The Jacobi and Gauss-Siedel Iterative Techniques
  • 7.4 Relaxation Techniques for Solving Linear Systems
  • 7.5 Error Bounds and Iterative Refinement
  • 7.6 The Conjugate Gradient Method
  • 7.7 Survey of Methods and Software

Chapter 8: ApproximationTheory

  • 8.1 Discrete Least Squares Approximation
  • 8.2 Orthogonal Polynomials and Least Squares Approximation
  • 8.3 Chebyshev Polynomials and Economization of Power Series
  • 8.4 Rational Function Approximation
  • 8.5 Trigonometric Polynomial Approximation
  • 8.6 Fast Fourier Transforms
  • 8.7 Survey of Methods and Software

Chapter 9: Approximating Eigenvalues

  • 9.1 Linear Algebra and Eigenvalues
  • 9.2 Orthogonal Matrices and Similarity Transformations
  • 9.3 The Power Method
  • 9.4 Householder’s Method
  • 9.5 The QR Algorithm
  • 9.6 Singular Value Decomposition
  • 9.7 Survey of Methods and Software

Chapter 10: Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Systems of Equations

  • 10.1 Fixed Points for Functions of Several Variables
  • 10.2 Newton’s Method
  • 10.3 Quasi-Newton Methods
  • 10.4 Steepest Descent Techniques
  • 10.5 Homotopy and Continuation Methods
  • 10.6 Survey of Methods and Software

Chapter 11: Boundary-Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations

  • 11.1 The Linear Shooting Method
  • 11.2 The Shooting Method for Nonlinear Problems
  • 11.3 Finite-Difference Methods for Linear Problems
  • 11.4 Finite-Difference Methods for Nonlinear Problems
  • 11.5 The Rayleigh-Ritz Method
  • 11.6 Survey of Methods and Software