
Make use of Cloudformation to deploy a high availability web app to the AWS Cloud

Primary LanguageShell

Deploy High Availability Web App using Cloudformation


In this project, I make use of AWS's Infrastructure as Code tool to provision the necessary infrastructure components and software to deploy a dummy aplication.

Infrastructure Diagram

Looking at the Infrastructure Diagram above the following components are used

  • Network Stack
    • Two Availability zones
    • Internet Gateway to enable communication between our AWS resources and the internet
    • Public and Private Subnets in each availability zone
    • NAT Gateways to enable communication between instances in private subnets and the internet
    • Routing Tables to direct traffic within the VPC
  • Server Stack
    • Security Groups to block/allow certain network traffic
    • Autoscaling for elasticity and high availability
    • Load Balancer to distribute traffic among servers in the Autoscaling group

How it works?

To provision the infrastructure and deploy the app make use of the following script

  • deploy.sh This script takes in 6 arguments which i have already hardcoded for your convenience, so just run deploy.sh and the network stack {NetInfra} and server stack {SeverInfra} will be provisioned.

To teardown the infrastructure once you're done testing make use of the following script

  • destroy.sh Following the same procedure as above, I have hardcoded the arguments for your convenience.