Digital journal is an application or users to display their notes.
To run this application, you should have the following:
- Node
- NPM/Yarn (NPM comes with Node)
Set enviroment variables
- MONGODB_URI // - This is the mongodb uri
- SECRET // - This is the JWT SECRET KEY
Follow the instructions to have the app up and run:
- clone the repo: RUN THE COMMAND
>> git clone
- Install the production dependencies: RUN THE COMMAND
>> npm i
- Start the app: RUN THE COMMAND
>> npm start
- You should use
as your base url
- User can sign up.
- User can login.
- User can create a journal entry.
- User can delete a journal entry.
- User can edit a journal entry.
- User can view a specific journal entry.
- User can view all journal entries.
To run the test USE the following command
>> npm test
The test covers all the endpoints and requests sent to them.
This application was deployed to the following:
- Heroku : For APP.
POST | User's Sign up | /api/v1/auth/signup |
POST | User's Sign in | /api/v1/auth/signin |
POST | Users can create a journal entry | /api/v1/journals |
PATCH | User's can edit journal entry | /api/v1/journals/<id> |
DELETE | User's can delete a journal entry | /api/v1/journals/<id> |
GET | User's can view a journal entry | /api/v1/journals |
GET | User's can view a specific journal entry | /api/v1/journals/<id> |
Ezeani Ikenna