
A "traditional" flat-file PHP imageboard from scratch.

Primary LanguagePHP

A futaba-style imageboard script that doesn't require a database.

To install, move all the files in the repo to a directory in the root of your webserver. For example, for a board called /jp/, move them to /usr/share/nginx/html/jp/. Create the directories src, thumb and res and the file posts and make sure they are all writable to by the web server user.

Should work on any unix-like system with PHP 5.5 or above.

Protip: you can use it as a blog too, by setting the following:

PERPAGE=1 if you want

My code was copied(?!)

Update (2020-03-03)

maki64 has kindly added proper credit to my project in their README for makiba (https://github.com/maki64/makiba).