
(All in One) Pty & Terminal package for Go with an encrypted remote shell as example.

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(All in One) Pty & Terminal package for Go with an encrypted remote shell as example.

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  • Provide unified Pty and Terminal support for Windows (WinXP~Win11), Linux, Darwin, Dragonfly, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris.
  • Optimize the poor experience on Windows using ConPty and WinPty.
  • Integrate Pty behavior on Unix-like systems into NixPty, and respectively provide implementations based on native Go and CGO.
  • No package dependencies, compatible with the majority of Go versions.
  • Based on this package, develop and release an encrypted remote shell as example that supports both forward and reverse TCP connections.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// open a pty with options
	opt := &pty.Options{
		Path: "cmd.exe",
		Args: []string{"cmd.exe", "/c", "powershell.exe"},
		Dir:  "",
		Env:  nil,
		Size: &pty.WinSize{
			Cols: 120,
			Rows: 30,
		Type: "",
	p, err := pty.OpenWithOptions(opt)

	// You can also open a pty simply like this:
	// p, err := pty.Open(path)

	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to create pty: %v", err)
	defer p.Close()

	// When the terminal window size changes, synchronize the size of the pty
	onSizeChange := func(cols, rows uint16) {
		size := &pty.WinSize{
			Cols: cols,
			Rows: rows,

	// enable terminal
	t, err := term.Open(os.Stdin, os.Stdout, onSizeChange)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to enable terminal: %v", err)
	defer t.Close()

	// start data exchange between terminal and pty
	exit := make(chan struct{}, 2)
	go func() { io.Copy(p, t); exit <- struct{}{} }()
	go func() { io.Copy(t, p); exit <- struct{}{} }()


  • If you need to use this package in a Go version lower than 1.16, please note that:
    • If you need to use Go modules, modify the Go version in the go.mod file to 1.11. (due to golang/go#43980)
    • If you need to use WinPty on Windows, please manually copy the winpty library files from aiopty/pty/winpty/bin/{arch} to the directory where your current program resides. Please note that the architecture of the winpty library files needs to match the architecture of the current program.


Based on this package, I develop and release an encrypted remote shell as example that supports both forward and reverse TCP connections. See Releases. Here is how to use it.

    1) aiopty master -l/-c ADDRESS [-k KEY] [-d]
    2) aiopty slave -l/-c ADDRESS --cmd CMDLINE [-k KEY] [-t TYPE] [-d]
    master: enable terminal
    slave: open a pty
  -l, --listen ADDRESS
      Listen on ADDRESS using tcp. (must choose either -l or -c)
  -c, --connect ADDRESS
      Connect to ADDRESS using tcp. (must choose either -l or -c)
  -k, --key KEY
      Encrypt data with the KEY. (optional)
  --cmd CMDLINE
      CMDLINE is the command to run. If there are spaces, they must be enclosed
      in double quotes. (for slave mode, required)
  -t, --type TYPE
      Pty TYPE, including nixpty, conpty, winpty. (for slave mode, optional)
  -d, --debug (optional)
  -h, --help (optional)

for example:

aiopty-windows-amd64.exe slave -l --cmd "cmd.exe /c powershell.exe" -k secret
aiopty-windows-amd64.exe master -c -k secret


Welcome to your issues and pull requests.


This package is released under the MIT License.