
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Note Taker


The Note Taker application is aimed for the user to capture notes and store these notes on the Server. The user shall be able to retrieve notes from the server. This application uses Express.js and Heroku.

Table of Contents

Deployed Application



User Story

AS A small business owner
I WANT to be able to write and save notes
SO THAT I can organize my thoughts and keep track of tasks I need to complete
GIVEN a note-taking application
WHEN I open the Note Taker
THEN I am presented with a landing page with a link to a notes page
WHEN I click on the link to the notes page
THEN I am presented with a page with existing notes listed in the left-hand column, plus empty fields to enter a new note title and the note’s text in the right-hand column
WHEN I enter a new note title and the note’s text
THEN a Save icon appears in the navigation at the top of the page
WHEN I click on the Save icon
THEN the new note I have entered is saved and appears in the left-hand column with the other existing notes
WHEN I click on an existing note in the list in the left-hand column
THEN that note appears in the right-hand column
WHEN I click on the Write icon in the navigation at the top of the page
THEN I am presented with empty fields to enter a new note title and the note’s text in the right-hand column


The application allows t take notes, store them on Server and retrieve notes for further editing.


This project is licensed under the MIT.


Izabela Petrovicova


If you have any questions about the repository, contact me directly at i.petrovicova@gmail.com. You can find more of my work at https://github.com/izabelacloud.