
Duckyscript parser for use with an Arduino Leonardo / Pro Micro

Primary LanguageC++


Interpreter that reads duckyscript from a file and generates an Arduino sketch

How to use:

First you have to compile the c++ program to an executable. To do so, navigate to the folder with the terminal

cd 'path/to/folder'

Then compile it with g++

g++ -o [executable_name] [source_name.cpp]

Once it is compiled, you can interpret as many duckyscripts as you like, without compiling it ever again

To actually interpret the code, you have to put a file called input.txt in the same folder as the executable with the duckyscript in it and run it by double clicking on it. A new output.ino file will be created, wich you can upload to the Arduino Leonardo.

Differences with other interpreters:

  • It creates an Arduino file directly, not a text you have to copy-paste into a new file
  • You can write Arduino code directly, for example a for loop and it won't get interpreted
  • More commands: LOOP will put all following code in void loop(){} so it keeps repeating forever

Thanks to Seytonic and Dckuino.js